Summer in Abaddon ranks way up there among my all-time favorite albums.

Gloomy though.. I don’t consider Rob Crow’s music to be sad. Cathartic maybe. Mostly just mellow.

No – it makes me so darn happy to hear this.


Source: You’re Doomed. Be Nice. | Rob Crow

Side-quest: I’ve had Prints on vinyl since it found it’s way into my hands at my old music job, but just this week I discovered one reason why I keep coming back to it.


That reason is sometime Rob Crow collaborator Kenseth Thibideau, so I’ve been digging into his stuff.

Repetition is an good sounding rhythm trip, to me feels like a primeval Pinback.

Also enjoying discovering Tarentel, which gives me the pleasant sensation of visiting a mist-shrouded ice-planet.